Det er lørdag og tid for en ny udfordring hos Stempel-Magie hvor jeg er så heldig at være gæstedesigner frem til jul.
Temaet denne gang er Halloween. Så frem med græskar, hekse og flagermus og du er godt i gang.
Udfordringen går til 15/10 så du har god tid.
It's Saturday and time for a new challenge at Stempel-Magie where I am fortunate to be a guest designer until Christmas.
The theme this time is Halloween. So find your pumpkins, witches and bats and you're ready.
The challenge goes on to October 15th so you have plenty of time.

Jeg havde ingen passende halloweenstempel, men det var bare godt med en undskyldning for at kunne handle et par stykker. Jeg synes stemplerne fra Prairie Fairy Designs er så søde. God service er der også fandt jeg ud af. Det er digistamps så man har dem næsten på minuttet. Det er fasinerende, synes jeg.
I had no adequate Halloween stamp, but it was nice to have an excuse to buy a few. I think the images from the Prairie Fairy Designs are so sweet. The store's service is excellent as well. They are digistamps so you get them almost immediately. Fascinating, I think.
Witchy Gillian er malet med distresser, hun har fået Glossy Accent på sine brilleglas. Og der er masser af Stickles i gryden. Mon det er derfor det bobler så godt ? Papiret er fra Panduro. Pynten består af blomster der er punchet ud og sprayet med glimmermist. Eller sprayet er så meget sagt, druknet er en bedre beskrivelse af hvordan væsken kommer ud af "spray"flasken! Men blomsterne blev da tørre efterhånden.
Witchy Gillian is painted with distress, with Glossy Accent on her spectacles. And there are lots of Stickles in the pan. Is that's why it is boiling? The paper is from Panduro. Ornament consists of flowers punched and sprayed with glimmermist. "Sprayed" is an understatement, erupted is a better description of how the glimmermist left the spray bottle! But the flowers finally dried.
Jeg sled med dette kort, men nu hvor jeg ser det færdige resultat synes jeg det blev ok.
There was room for a small swirwel together with the flowers, and then there are a few blings here and there.
I worked really hard with this card, but considering the result, I think I succeded quite well.
Robin har flere forskellige runde halloween stempler. Smut omkring og se. Og digi stamps er sjovt!
The sircular text stamps are freebies that I have loaded down from here.
Robin has several sircular halloween stamps. Pop around and have a look. And digi stamps are fun!
I have used an embossing folder both on the front and back side, it's from Cuttlebug.
Til kortet har jeg benyttet mig af denne sketch fra Sketchy Colors.
I have used the below sketch from Sketchy Colors.

- Sketchy Colors-#41 Sketch
- Papertake Weekley Challenge-Favourite challenge from the last tree years (har valgt The Dark Side fra oktober 2009)
- Incy Wincy Designs-#62 Sparkly Glitter
- A Spoon Full of Sugar-#124 Sparkel and Shine
- One Stitch At A Time Challenge Blog-#33 Spooky Halloween
- Paper Sundaes Challenge-#38 Something From Your Stash
- Simon Says Challenge- Halloween
- Meljens Design Team and Challenge Blog-#28 Halloweeny
- The TownScrapper- Distressing
- Creat4fun Challenge-week 41 Use a digi stamp
Wow, this is so much fun - love that witch!!! Thanks for joining us at OSAAT this time and good luck, love Jacky x
SvarSletfab card. Thanks for joining us at Paper Sundaes this week.
What a great Halloween card! I love all the elements you pulled together here...glitter,flowers, distressing, embossing...and the image is so cute. Thanks for joining us at The Town Scrapper!
SvarSletSå herlig halloween kort du har laget etter skissen vår denne uken!!
SvarSletLekre farger og herlig motiv!!
Takk for at du deltar hos SC,
klem fra Maya
The backgrounds are fabulous, and the image is so cute!
SvarSletThanks for joining us at One Stitch at a Time this week.
This is really cute! Thanks for joining us at Paper Sundaes!
SvarSletÅh, detta är för gulligt! En riktigt söt liten häxa :)
SvarSletTack för att du är med oss på Papertake Weekly och firar vår treårsdag. Lycka till i godis-dragningarna!
This is wonderful. Thanks for taking the TownScrapper challenge.
SvarSletEt lekkert kort, sort og lilla er er en flott fargekombinasjon =) Stilig pyntet og motivet er flott fargelagt! Tusen takk for hyggelig kommentar i bloggen min ;)
SvarSletKlem fra Anne
I love the witch's glasses - she is SO cute!!! I like the distressing you did on those papers too!
SvarSletThanks so much for entering the Simon Says Stamp Challenge!!!
Fabulous card. Love that image...so adorable. Thanks for playing with us at Meljen's.
SvarSletWhat a cute card! The spider on the inside is great! Thanks so much for joining us this week at Meljen's Designs!
SvarSletSo sweet!Thanks 4 playing wiht MelJen's this week:)