Her er resultatet; ny header og nye badges! Flotte ikke også.
Så hvis du har lyst ta' en badges med dig og vis den på din blog.
I just wanted to let you know that the ABC Christmas Challenge has new badges available for you, designed by our lovely Samantha. In the beginning of January she asked all of the DT to choose their favourite card. She was very secretive and would not say what she needed them for! Here is the result, feel free to grab them to be displayed on your blogs if you want to!

Jeg kan også fortælle at Dustin Pike er sponsor for os i næste uge. Han har tegnet et motiv bare for ABC Christmas Challenge. Du kan se det når vores B for .... udfordring starter d 19.
Men her er et sneak peek..
I also wanted to let you know that Dustin Pike himself is kindly sponsoring us next week and has created an image just for ABC Christmas Challenge, which you will get to see for our B Challenge starting on the 19th... but here is a sneak peek...
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