Her er hvad jeg saksede direkte fra bloggen:

We are looking for two to three new DT members. Interested? Well, here are the details...
- DT members create a card for each Sunday
- DT members are responsible for posting their creations by noon on Saturday (day before) on our private blog
- DT members are allowed to combine their DT card with other challenges
- Challenge details can be provided a month in advance - allowing you to create your card on your schedule
- DT members must comment on half of the entries posted (DT is split into two groups and each group is assigned certain numbers)
- DT term is August 1st to October 31st
We are looking for someone who wants to have fun! We are not concerned about number of followers but will be looking at how often you post and the quality of your creations. You do not have to have previous DT experience.
- Have fun with a crazy group of girls
- Occasionaly freebies
- Exposure for your blog
- Motivation to make time for yourself weekly
If you are interested, please post about our DT call on your blog and feature three of your favorite creations including at least two cards. Link your post below. DT call closes Friday, July 23rd at 11:59pm.
Jeg har lyst til at prøve på at blive med i teamet, det at være gæstedesigner hos ABC Christmas Challenge var absolut ikke afskrækkende.
Her er de ting jeg har valgt at præsentere:
Jeg synes det er svært at vælge hvad jeg vil vise frem, for jeg vil så gerne vise alt!!
Hvis du vil vide mere om kortene så følg linken ved det pågældende kort. Så kommer du til indlæget på bloggen hvor der er flere fotos.
Så genstår der bare at krydse fingre......
Held og lykke til alle som søger.
A wonderful selection of cards to showcase your obvious talent! Thank you for applying for the Paper Sundaes DT call - good luck!
SvarSletWow! Jag håller tummarna för dig!! Riktigt fina kort du gjort i alla fall, så de vore tokiga om de inte väljer dig!
SvarSletSåg att du lämnat en kommentar på min blog för länge sedan, men jag tror jag missat att hitta hit... Synd för mig för här fanns massor av flott inspiration!
Ha en härlig ferie!