Vi er kommet til det sidste bogstav i det anglosaksiske alfabet nemlig Z. I Skandinavien har vi stadig et par bogstaver tilbage nemlig æ,ø og å. Men dem skal I slippe.
Hos ABC Christmas Challenge blir sidste udfordringen i år Z for Zero time left. Vi er nok flere som føler at den sidste tid er gået lidt for hurtigt og kunne bruge et par ekstra dage til eventuelt at lave flere julekort.
This is a long post. To manage to get through one or two cups of coffee are recommended!
We've reached the last letter in the Anglosaxian alphabeth, namely "Z". In Scandinavia we add "æ, ø and å", but it would be unfair to all non-Scandinavians to launch those letters as challenges!
At ABC Christmas Challenge the last challenge of 2010 is "Z for zero time left". Quite a few of us feel that the last days have passed a bit too quickly to have time left for crafting.
Z for Zero time left indebærer at du kan vælge mellem alle udfordringerne vi har haft på bloggen i 2010, og lave et kort,LO æske, gavepose eller hvad du ønsker. Tag et kik i højre side på ABC Christmas Challenge bloggen og se hvilke temaer der kan være aktuelle for dig. Hvad med feks Q for Quick & Easy eller X for Xmas som var vældig populær.
In "Z for zero time left" you can choose between all the challenges that have been on the blog in 2010. Make a card, LO, box, giftbag or whatever you want. Check out the right hand side of ABC Christmas Challenge to see if there's a theeme that suits you. A suggestion may be "Q" for "Quick and easy" or "X" for "Xmas". Both very popular.
Vi har to sponsorer denne gang med flotte præmier.
Threre are two sponors, both with fabulous prizes.
Threre are two sponors, both with fabulous prizes.
Simon Says Stamps giver en heldig vinder et gavekort på $15 med porto betalt; the lucky winner gets a spree of $15, portage payed.
Stamp Fairy giver 3 vindere følgende: 1 plads 3 digistempler, 2 plads 2 digistempler og 3 plads 1 digistempel;
first prize; three digistamps, second two and third one digistamp.
first prize; three digistamps, second two and third one digistamp.
Vores sponsor fra Stamp Fairy har givet os et par søde digistamps at jobbe med for dem som havde lyst til det.Tak for det.
Our sponsor from Stamp Fairy gave us some qute digistamps to use. Thank you!
Men ikke nok med det; vi afslutter året med et blog hop! Du skal rundt og samle bogstaver og sætte dem sammen til en hilsen. Jeg lover det er ikke svært; jeg fik det til !
Det er første gang jer er med på et sådant, så jeg er lidt nervøs for ikke at få gjort det rigtigt. Men nu har jeg kontrolleret og dobbeltkontrolleret og det ser rigtigt ud.
But that's not all, folks! We finnish 2010 with a blog hop! Collect letters at the different blogs and combine them to a Festive phrase. It's not difficult, I promise; I managed to complete it myelf!
It's the first time I done something like this, and am a little bit nervous that I haven't got it right. But I,ve looked it over and over again, and to me it seems all right.
Starten er hos ABC Christmas Challenge, og derfra ledes du gennem hele rækken af blogge.
Find bogstaver og tag samtidig en tit på alle de fine kort og projekter du finder på din vej.
Husk at skrive en kommentar på bloggene du besøger, for enkelte af os har en lille overraskelse til nogle af jer. Men bare for at drille siger vi ikke hvem der har "godis".
Start out at ABC Christmas Challenge and follow the leads through the blogs. Collect letters and at the same time enjoy all the faboulus cards and entries on your way through. Don't forget to comment on the blogs you visit, because there are some surprices hidden for some of you. But we don't tell you where, just to teese you.
Hvis du kommer fra Delphines flotte blog er du på rigtig spor. Ellers synes jeg du skal gå til ABC Christmas Challenge og få rigtig begyndt.
You're on track having been on Delphines' nice blog. But if not, you should go from the start from the ABC Christmas Challenge.
Fra mig skal du videre til Helen og se hvad hun byder på af kort og bogstav. Hos Helen er der altid noget fint at se.
Leaving my blog, advance to Helen and see what lette and cards she shows. Always nice things to look at there.
Bogstavet du skal have med herfra er T.
From my blog you pick up the letter T.
Z for Zero time left udfordringen og blog hop er fra nu af og indtil 1 januar. Så har alle god tid til at deltage og vinde. Vi trækker præmierne og poster dem på bloggen når vi starter med den første udfordring 5 januar 2011. Og det bliver "A" for ......
The Z for Zero time left challenge and blog hop will run from now to the 1st of January.
So everyone has extra time to create and win! We will draw the prizes and post them on the first challenge of 2011 on the 5th January. And it will be "A" for........
Nu til mit kort/Here's my card.
I've chosen this nice stamp from Stamp Fairy to make a card "D" for the Decoration challenge. Ribbon was the extra I used. Could also fit in to "O" fo Ornament or "X" for Xmas.
Papiret er fra Maja Designs 2010 julekollektion. Jeg er faldet pladask for disse flotte ark. De er flotte med både gråt, creme og rødt. Som næsten altid har jeg farvelagt med mine distresser. Båndet er fra Brugsen.
Paper from Maja's Designs 2010 Xmas Collection. I fell in love with these dp! Colours are grey, craft and red. As always I've added colours with Distresses. Ribbon from local Danish grocery shop!
Se så sød denne lille frøken er. Hun har fået udklipstøj på. Det er en teknik jeg synes er sjov. Julekuglen har fået Stikles for at glimre.
And have a look at this qute, little girl! I have used paper piecing, a technique I enjoy. The ornament has got stickles in order to twinkle.
Within there's space for greetings. The digi stamp is a freebie from Bizzy Becs Store Blog.

Dagens udfordringer:
- Crafty Calender Challenge-#15 Sketch
- StampFairy Challenge-#1 Sparkel and Shine
- Top Tip Tuesday- #14 Christmas Inspired Challenge
- Hanna and Friends-#74 Weihnachten in Rot
- Creative Inspirations Challenge Blog-#49 Anything Goes Christmas
- Bunny Zoe's Craft Challenge-#7 Sparkel & Shine
- Cute Card Thursday-#142 Floral Frenzy
- Digital tuesday challenge-#89 Sparkling Christmas
- TotallyPaperCrafts-#46 Paper Piecing
- Winter Wonderland-Christmas Baubles
- Stamp Something- December digi day
Til sidst vil jeg ønske jer en rigtig glædelig jul og et godt nytår- Jeg nyder at komme rundt og se på jeres bidrag når I deltager på udfordringerne hos ABC Christmas Challenge. Jeg henter masser inspiration for hver udfordring. Tusind tak for det.
Også tak til de fantastiske damer som jeg er så heldig at jobbe i team med. Tak for den måde I "gamle"har taget imod os tre nye på. I er et fantastisk samling med dejlige damer, og jeg er så glad for at jeg har fået muligheden til at jobbe sammen med jer og lære jer lidt at kende.
Jeg glæder mig til samarbejdet næste år.
Finnaly I'd like to wish you all a merry Xmas and a happy new year! It's a great pleasure to enjoy all your contributions to the challenges at ABC Christmas Challenge. I get enormously lot of inspiration from each challenge. Thanks to everybody!
And a great hug to all the great girls I work in team with. Thanks to all of you for how you have welcomed us three "newbies". It warms my heart working with you and I feel lucky to have got to know you. I'm really looking forward to next year's team work.
This is so fantastic! Lovely image, perfect coloring, gorgeous papers - everything fits perfectly!
SvarSletThanks for playing with us at Hanna & Friends.
Hugs, Kiki
GReat card, love the image and lay out! Greetz, Frea
SvarSletDorte I am always happy to see your cards you really put a lot of effort into them! always decorating the insides too! you did a Awesome job of this one too! I love hte flash of green in the leaves too! beautiful,
SvarSletThanks for all your efforts and work, hugs Samantha ABC-CC
A verly nice card, I loved the embossed images!
SvarSletHappy holidays,
Gorgeous card Dorte...lovely colours...and you always make the insides so beautiful too!
SvarSletHelen x
gorgeous card, love the papers and the image is so sweet! x
SvarSletAwesome as I said before! Thanks for joining in with us for the 1st Stamp Fairy Challenge! hope to see you next time too! hugs Samantha :0)
SvarSletfatastic job.. the flowers with the buttons are a nice touch..
Absolutely stunning! I love cut out images and yours is fabby, gorgeous coloured image, thanks for sharing! Ruby x
SvarSletYour card is absolutely adorable and I'm so happy you joined our very first Challenge at StampFairy.
SvarSletI love this sweet image and think you did a fantastic job on your color and paper piecing -- sweet as can bee!
Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful card! Good Luck and please be sure to come back next week!!
Happy Crafting,
Gorgeous card, Dorte! I love the paper pieced image, great layout and papers, and the rest of your card, very classy! Hugs Delphine xx
SvarSletgorgeous card Dorte :-) the image is just soo cute ,,, beautiful !! :)
Lols x x x
Its gorgeous, love the pretty little dress you have given her:)Thanks for joining us in our very first challenge at StampFairy:)
SvarSletYour card is adorable, love the paper piecing and your papers too. Such a sweet Christmas card. I am enjoying the Hop.
Suzi x
Beautiful card! I love her plaid dress.
Just lovely -- so many wonderful elements in your card!!
SvarSletDorte, your card is stunning. I love the papers that you used and the way that you paperpieced the little girl's dress. Just beautiful.
SvarSletHugs, Carissa
Absolutely a beautiful creation!! Love your beautiful papers and Nelly so sweet in her checkered dress! Thanks for joining us for our first challenge at StampFairy! Hope you will join us again next week.
SvarSletHi Dorte
SvarSletaww a gorgeous card, super cute image, beautiful papers & design, thank you for joining us at Totally Papercrafts this week, hope to see you next time, sue,x
Such a pretty card. Love the colors and papers you chose
SvarSletThis is really cute, and your choice of papers is lovely.
SvarSletNicki, xx
I'm following the hop round, just wish I could enter it with all those fabbie prizes! Stunning creation babes. Love ya, and so proud to be part of the team. Hugs, Sxx
SvarSletsorry Dorte ,, am back again ,,, I forgot to thank you for joining us on the Stamp Something Challenge :-)
Lols x x x
Absolutely gorgeous card you have created with the really cute image. Love the colours used and the layout.
SvarSletJayne xx
Stunning card the design, papers and image look wonderful thank you for sharing this with us at both Creative Inspirations and Digital Tuesday this week.
Lorraine x
A real beauty! She is one of my favorite SF images. Love her dress too! Thanks so much for playing with us at StampFairy Challenge.
SvarSletDeanne :)
Lovely card! I love the plaid on her dress!
SvarSletthis is so sweet..pretty!!
Stunning card- that little girl holding the ornament is such a cute image. Lush backing papers and lovely flowers both finish the card off wonderfully.
SvarSletThanks for the blog hop x
This is such a stunning card! The papers are beautiful and I love how you've decorated the image! Thanks for the blog hop!
SvarSletLove Beth xx
Very pretty and cute card Dorte. thanks for the inspiration and for this fab blog hop!
SvarSletpauline x
This image is so cute! I love your card! Merry Christmas!
SvarSletgorgeous papers and cute image - great blog hop, Luv Sam x
SvarSletThis is a beautiful Christmas design. Thanks for joining our challenge this week at Top Tip Tuesday.
SvarSletxx Vee
Very beautiful, love the colour and papers. Thanks so much for joining in with the Creative Inspirations challenge this week.
SvarSletJenni x
Beautiful cards, and lovely colours too!
SvarSletLovely card all around! Even the back! Wow!
SvarSletMerry Christmas xox
Hopping along....
what a great take on the sketch. Love all the swirls and stuff.
SvarSletWhat fantastic inspiration and Merry Christmas!
SvarSletWow! Cute image and gorgeous dps.
SvarSletbeautiful card... thanks!
SvarSletWonderful card!! Thanks for the inspiration.
SvarSletHi Dorte, Gorgeous card! Such a sweet image and fab colour combo.
SvarSletLisa x
Lovely card and great colour combo!
SvarSletJoyce xx
Such a pretty pink card.
SvarSletLovely card, fab papers!
SvarSletKaz xx
Such a cutie!!! Thanks for joining in with the Crafty Calender Challenge this month.
SvarSletCaroline x