Jeg regner med at der julehygges i de små hjem i denne tid.
Derfor passer det godt ind med dette kort!
Derfor passer det godt ind med dette kort!
Motivet er fra House-Mouse, jeg tror det er første gang jeg bruger det stempel.
Papirene er fra Basic Grey.
Papirene er fra Basic Grey.
Jeg har lavet et telt kort, for at prøve at få det til at virke som om
musene befinder sig i en hule eller musehul.
musene befinder sig i en hule eller musehul.
Tekststemplet er fra Kort og Godt Hobby mener jeg.
Det er stickles på det hvide af nissehuerne,
og Glossy Accent på slikkeriet. Det sidste er ikke nemt at se.
Det er stickles på det hvide af nissehuerne,
og Glossy Accent på slikkeriet. Det sidste er ikke nemt at se.
Bagsiden er helt enkel i dag også.

- Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge-#132 Sketch
- House-Mouse & Friends Monday Challenge-#109 Fuzzy and Warm
- Christmas Inspiration-#38 Foldet Card (Tent card)
- Crafty Catz Weekly Challenge-#111 Colours of Christmas
- Bah! Humbug!- Cute Christmas Critters
- Bling it on-Christmas
- Sundays With Crissy-#24 Anything Goes
- Paper Sundaes- Sundae Bar (red, stripes and die cut)
Ja, jeg har ikke mødt det stempel før. Men det er sødt - og oser af jul.
SvarSletOg igen lækkert papirvalg. Du har godt nok meget forskelligt.
(siger jeg som er ved at udgå helt for julepapir, og ikke lige synes jeg trænger til at fylde mere ind i dette hus.....)
This is such a sweet and cute card, thanks for sharing it with us at CraftyCatz this week.xx
SvarSletWell done! Very nice project. Thanks for joining us at Christmas Inspirations challenges.
SvarSletoh so cute - you can't get cuter than House Mouse stamps. Love them.
SvarSletAnn xxx
Bah! Humbug! DT
Hi hun
SvarSletaww a gorgeous card,awesome colouring, luv all the sparkle, pretty papers & design, thank you for joining us at House Mouse & Friends this week, sue,x
Så morsomt at du laget kortet som et slags telt. Det passet jo kjempegodt til motivet. Herlig!
SvarSletThis is just so cute! I love this House Mouse stamp and love the colors you chose. Thanks so much for joining us for this week's Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge, we hope you will come back and play again next week.
So cute, sure fits the warm and fuzzy feeling of the challenge. Colored up so nice and lovely papers too. Thanks for joining us at House Mouse and Friends Monday Challenge.
Very nicely done!Thank you so much for joining us at Sundays with Crissy:-)
Michele S.
Very cute indeed. Thank you for sharing with us at Bah! Humbug!
Max's Craft Creations
Bah! Humbug! Challenges DT
Gorgeous card Dorte :-) the image is adorable ( that goes without saying ! :-)) and the papers and colours are perfect :-)
SvarSletthanks for joining us on the House Mouse and Friends Monday Challenge :-)
Lols x x x
What a sweet card! So glad you joined our Sundays with Crissy Challenge! Hugs, Shannah
SvarSletsuper card!!
SvarSletThanks for joining us at Bling It On this time would love to see you next time too
Hi Dorte defo a cute image great colouring fab papers great take on the chall theme.
SvarSletthanks for sharing with us at HM & friends chall this time
smiles Christine x
Totally warm and fuzzy! So cute! Thanks for sharing with us at House Mouse and Friends Monday Challenge! Sue K