Jeg har prøvet at være lidt rationel i dag og lavet to -næsten- ens kort. Det er ikke ofte jeg gør det.Det går unægtelig hurtigere, men jeg synes det er kedeligt!
I skal dog slippe for at få mine kommentarer to gange.

Her er stereo Henry fra Whiff of Joy. Han er favorit stemplet til den yngste af drengene. Det var ikke let at få fine billeder i aften, men ta det som det er.
Kortene er ikke ens i størrelsen. Det blå er 12x12cm og det grønne 14x12cm. Størrelsen på det grønne synes jeg bedst om.

Papiret er fra Basis Grey, muffinsstemplet er fra Magnolia. Syntes det passede bedre som pynt end en blomst. Der er rød stikles på toppen af kagen. Tekststempler er så gammelt at jeg ikke husker hvor der er fra. Mit beste bud er Kreativ Hobby.

Inden i blev det såddan her, pengelomme og plads til et stort tillykke.

Bagsiden med "Håndlavet af"

Her følger det blå.

Jeg har fulgt denne sketch fra
Sparkle Dreams Challenge, en helt ny månedlig udfordrings blog som jeg kom over på en blogrunde.
dear dorte your cards are so cute!!!
SvarSletthanks for joining us at TSM
xoxo BA
Beautiful cards both!!! Henry Mouse is sooo sweet.
SvarSletThanks for joining us at TSM challenge.
Hugs, Giò
fabulous cards, many thanks for joining in the CCT challenge, hugs Debx
SvarSletlovely cards love the images so cute and the colours are fab thankyou for joining us at sparkle dreams
SvarSletWendy Sparkle dreams DT
such sweet , sweet cards ~beautifully made ~gorgeous!!
SvarSletvanessa xx
What fantastic animal cards! It does work well doing similar cards as it is definately quicker than one offs, although I know what you mean about it being boring. Good luck in the draw at CFM.
SvarSletHugs, Alison x
Beautiful! Love the clean lines and your colouring is just so beautiful! And that image is so cute!
Lovely! That mouse looks very excited to be running off with that cupcake :)
SvarSletThanks for joining us at MelJens this week!
Sandy, MJ DT
A Colourful World
Fantastic cards. Thanks for joining us at Fab n Funky this week x
SvarSletBoth of your cards are absolutely adorable! Darling image! Love the different colors! Wonderful job! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Cards For Men. Hope you’ll be joining us for the next challenge.
Such sweet cards! Thanks for joining us at FnF this week.
SvarSletLinds x
Yummy cards, Dorte!
SvarSletThanks for joining us at Meljen's Designs!
Dianna, DT Member @ Meljen's Designs
Oh, these are so cute! Such great papers and I really love the layout!
SvarSletThanks so much for playing along this week in our Food challenge at Meljen's Designs this week! Good luck!
Dee (Spryte)♥
Sprytebyrds Spot